[Quoting Andreas J. Koenig, on January 6 2001, 07:16, in "Re: forwarded messag"]
> >>>>> On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 21:55:04 +0100, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Fellow modulars,
> > What do you think?
> An option that goes around in my head is championizing the module
> list. We could say, just as Doug is champion of the Apache namespace,
> Brian I could be the champion of the Inline namespace.
Sounds like a good idea.
> This could be implemented in terms of permissions. The form to
> register a new module that all admins can use without restriction
> could be changed so that userid XXX can add modules in the YYY
> namespace. Then I could grant Brian the permission to add modules to
> the Inline namespace.
I think this is a slight oversimplification. People will apply to the
mailing list to register a module. That means that we (modulars) must
know what namespaces are championized, and who is their champion.
Would it be possible to have a user-mode "Register a Module" form,
that just sends the request to the mailing list, and --if
appropriate-- to the champion?
-- Johan