I would like to register the namespace for the following module:

HTML::FormTemplate - adpO - Store definition and make persist forms, reports.

One sentence overview: Perl module that maintains a predefined html 
input form definition with which it can generate form html, complete 
with persistant and error-checked user input, as well as formatted 
reports of the user input in html or plain text format (for emails).

Note that my form definitions include the visible prompt/question 
text that the user sees, as well as optional help and error text. 
This is useful so that generated forms and reports are consistent 
with each other.

My authorname is DUNCAND.

This module is my largest and most feature-filled to date, and is 
currently on CPAN under the temporary name of HTML::FormMaker; it has 
received several improvements since then.  Below I have printed some 
of the POD for the updated version, although it may change some more.

I chose the name HTML::FormTemplate because my module essentially 
acts as a template, storing definitions in the form as a list of 
hashes that are then used to make both forms and reports.  And that's 
just the start of why the name fits so well.  It is not a template in 
the way of being finished HTML that has variable substitution done on 
it, but the definition hashes represent html structures, so it is 
effectively the same thing.

I have scoured CPAN and the module list especially hard for similar 
modules, and while some may give the first impression of being the 
same, they are all very different.  The next few paragraphs show my 
analysis of existing modules and how mine is different:

The majority of modules that deal with forms are either in the 
business of parsing existing html, or they do various conversions 
like converting to XML or text, or they work with Request and 
Response objects.  Mine focuses on HTML creation from scratch only, 
and does not parse anything; also, it doesn't do any HTML specialties 
besides the form related stuff (although it subclasses 

 From reading the POD, it seems that "CGI::QuickForm" has the most in 
common with mine.  That is, you can define all the form fields with 
one method call.  These field definitions are compatible with those 
by CGI.pm, and it also extends those features with extra attributes 
for the field.  It can generate both initial forms and subsequent 
forms with persistant user input.  However, the module differs from 
mine in these ways: it is functional while mine is object; it takes 
care of user input and output, whereas mine expects the calling code 
to provide and to print (I focus on HTML only); it has you define 
your form in the same method call as generating the html, whereas 
with mine the form definition and html generation are separate 
methods, so you can have the choice of generating the whole form at 
once or one field at a time (called by name); mine generates input 
reports on demand and the other doesn't.

HTML::FillInForm parses existing form html to insert persistant user 
input (it subclasses HTML::Parser); mine does not start with any html 
but a hash of field attributes.

CGI.pm creates form html in the same method call as defining the field, and
also takes care of getting user input.  Mine provides the option to 
generate html with the same function as defining it, one field at a 
time, but it also provides two ways to generate on separate method 
calls from definition.

HTML::StickyForms has an interface like CGI.pm for form field making, 
but it is a front that uses either CGI.pm or mod_perl in the back end 
to get persistant values; it appears simple on the surface.

CGI::Form and HTML::Form are old and have no documentation that I 
could find, so I don't know what they do; most likely not similar.

So I hope that I have made my case that I have a very unique offering.

Thanks in advance,

// Darren Duncan



HTML::FormTemplate - Store definition and make persist forms, reports.


Perl Version


Standard Modules


Nonstandard Modules



    use strict;

    use HTML::FormTemplate;

    my @definitions = (
          visible_title => "What's your name?",
          type => 'textfield',
          name => 'name',
       }, {
          visible_title => "What's the combination?",
          type => 'checkbox_group',
          name => 'words',
          'values' => ['eenie', 'meenie', 'minie', 'moe'],
          default => ['eenie', 'minie'],
       }, {
          visible_title => "What's your favorite colour?",
          type => 'popup_menu',
          name => 'color',
          'values' => ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'chartreuse'],
       }, {
          type => 'submit',

    my $query_string = '';
    if( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ /^(GET|HEAD)$/ ) {
       $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
    } else {
       read( STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} );

    my $form = HTML::FormTemplate->new();
    $form->form_submit_url( $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} );
    $form->field_definitions( \@definitions );
    $form->user_input( $query_string );

    my ($mail_worked, $mail_failed);
    unless( $form->new_form() ) {
       if( open( MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t") ) {
          print MAIL "To: perl\@DarrenDuncan.net\n";
          print MAIL "From: perl\@DarrenDuncan.net\n";
          print MAIL "Subject: A Simple Example Submission\n";
          print MAIL $form->make_text_input_echo()."\n";
          close ( MAIL );
          $mail_worked = 1;
       } else {
          $mail_failed = 1;

       'Content-type: text/html'."\n\n",
       $form->title( 'A Simple Example' ),
       $form->h1( 'A Simple Example' ),
       $form->make_html_input_form( 1 ),
       $form->new_form() ? '' : $form->make_html_input_echo( 1 ),
       $mail_worked ? "<P>Your favorites were emailed.</P>\n" : '',
       $mail_failed ? "<P>Error emailing your favorites.</P>\n" : '',


This Perl 5 object class can create web fill-out forms as well as 
parse, error-check, and report their contents.  Forms can start out 
blank or with initial values, or by repeating the user's last input 
values.  Facilities for interactive user-input-correction are also 

The class is designed so that a form can be completely defined, using 
field_definitions(), before any html is generated or any 
error-checking is done. For that reason, a form can be generated 
multiple times, each with a single function call, while the form only 
has to be defined once.  Form descriptions can optionally be read 
from a file by the calling code, making that code a lot more generic 
and robust than code which had to define the field manually.

If the calling code provides a MultiValuedHash object or HASH ref 
containing the parsed user input from the last time the form was 
submitted, via user_input(), then the newly generated form will 
incorporate that, making the entered values persistant. Since the 
calling code has control over the provided "user input", they can 
either get it live or read it from a file, which is transparent to 
us. This makes it easy to make programs that allow the user to "come 
back later" and continue editing where they left off, or to seed a 
form with initial values. (Field definitions can also contain initial 

Based on the provided field definitions, this module can do some 
limited user input checking, and automatically generate error 
messages and help text beside the appropriate form fields when html 
is generated, so to show the user exactly what they have to fix.  The 
"error state" for each field is stored in a hash, which the calling 
code can obtain and edit using invalid_input(), so that results of 
its own input checking routines are reflected in the new form.

Note that this class is a subclass of both Class::ParamParser and 
HTML::EasyTags, and inherits all of their methods.


    Content-type: text/html

    <TITLE>A Simple Example</TITLE>
    <H1>A Simple Example</H1>
    <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="localhost">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME=".is_submit" VALUE="1">
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <STRONG>What's your name?:</STRONG></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name"></TD></TR>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <STRONG>What's the combination?:</STRONG></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="words" CHECKED VALUE="eenie">eenie
    <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="words" VALUE="meenie">meenie
    <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="words" CHECKED VALUE="minie">minie
    <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="words" VALUE="moe">moe</TD></TR>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <STRONG>What's your favorite colour?:</STRONG></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <SELECT NAME="color" SIZE="1">
    <OPTION VALUE="red">red
    <OPTION VALUE="green">green
    <OPTION VALUE="blue">blue
    <OPTION VALUE="chartreuse">chartreuse
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"></TD>
    <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="nonamefield001"></TD></TR>

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