I'm proposign this new module. It's available as first stable version at
http://martin.scim.net/ .
If noone disagrees, I'd be uploading it to CPAN shortly.
martin langhoff
Mail::Vmailmgr - A Perl module to use Vmailmgr daemon.
use Mail::Vmailmgr;
#create a user account [EMAIL PROTECTED]
vadduser("mydomain.com", "my_domain_passwd", "martin");
This module allows easy interaction with the vmailmgrd, a daemon
designed to allow access to all of vmailmgr functions from
unprivileged accounts, such as CGI scripts usually have.
It was designed and tested against vmailmgrd version 0.96.9. A
major rewrite of vmailmgrd is expected, so this module may not
work properly with newer versions of vmailmgrd.
The author and mantainer of this module is Martin Langhoff
Most of this initial release is based on the PHP version written
by Mike Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. This module would not be here
without Mike's help.
Commands that operate on an existing virtual user account can be
authorized with either the virtual user account password, or
with the domain-user password.
Commands that operate on the virtual domain, such as vadduser,
can only be authorized with the domain-user password.
Return codes
In a very un-perlish fashion, all of these functions (with a few
exceptions) will return an array where the first positions
indicates if the command succeded or not.
If the command did not succeed, the error code will be >0. And
probably you'll find string in the second position of the array,
indicating what went wrong.
The success code is "0". This is consistent with the design of
the vmailmgrd interface, and very inconsistent with the general
Perl fashion.
vlistdomain($domain, $password){
Returns the user accounts available in the virtual domain.
Similar to the listvdomain binary, supplied with Vmailmgr.
vlookup($domain, $user, $password)
Returns for a single virtual user what vlistdomain does for an
entire domain.
vadduser($domain, $password, $username, $userpass, @forwards)
Similar to the vadduser binary, supplied with Vmailmgr.
vaddalias($domain, $password, $username, $userpass, @forwards)
Similar to the vaddalias binary, supplied with Vmailmgr.
vdeluser($domain, $password, $username)
Similar to the vdeluser binary, supplied with Vmailmgr.
vchpass($domain, $password, $username, $newpass)
Similar to the vchpassd binary, supplied with Vmailmgr.
vchforward($domain, $password, $username, @forwards)
Similar to the vchpassd binary, supplied with Vmailmgr.
vchattr($domain, $password, $username, $attr, $value)
Change Attribute. Chech attribute list and the possible values
with the vmailmgr documentation.
vwriteautoresponse($domain, $password, $username, $message)
missing explanation
vreadautoresponse($domain, $password, $username, $message)
missing explanation
vdisableautoresponse($domain, $password, $username, $message)
missing explanation
venableautoresponse($domain, $password, $username, $message)
missing explanation
vautoresponsestatus($domain, $password, $username, $message)
missing explanation