>>>>> On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 00:40:03 -0800, Sam Horrocks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

 > Is the source to PAUSE available online somewhere??
 > The reason - it looks like since version 2.0, CGI::SpeedyCGI is no longer
 > being symlinked under /by-module/CGI - CPAN still thinks 1.8.3 is the
 > latest version.  I think this is related to the re-organization of the
 > source code took place in CGI::SpeedyCGI 2.0.  I'd like to track it down
 > and come up with a fix, and looking at the source code for PAUSE would
 > probably be the easiest way.

To publish the sources will be on top of my Todo list in the next year
or so. I'll try to modularize and publish in pieces. Currently it's
nothing but a mess.

The reason for your problem is that you have no *.pm file that
contains $VERSION. And when you fix that, the second problem will be
the numbering style. Perl modules still need to be numbered as strings
that look like floating point numbers. The latter will change when
5.6.1 or 5.6.2 is out, it depends on how stable that perl will be wrt


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