[Quoting Joergen Haegg, on December 11 2000, 22:45, in "Re: new perl module"]
> It is an implementation of the config editor in cfengine
> in perl, or rather cfengines idea, used to change configuration files
> in an easy an modular way. It is possible to tag sections
> of a file and then remove the whole section by its name.
> It has support for easy check of the architecture, like is_linux, is_freebsd
> and other useful flags.
> There is also a program that uses Cfe to make Cfe useful
> as bourn shell scripts also.
> It's main use is to edit config files, nothing else.

I'd suggest Config::cfengine Config::Cfengine, even

> However, it is not OO

No problem, a lot of CPAN modules aren't OO.

-- Johan

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