your name: Richard Anderson
your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your homepage if you have one:
your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters long,
all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed: RANDERSON
a description of what you're planning to contribute
HTTP::WebTest - test one or more web pages, either locally or remotely
This module runs tests on one or more remote URLs or local
files containing HTML/JavaScript/Perl/etc. The test
specifications are read from a parameter file or can be passed as
method arguments. If you are testing a local file, Apache is started on a
private/dynamic port with a configuration file in a
temporary directory. The module displays the test results
on the terminal by default or directs them to a file. The
module will also optionally e-mail the test results.
When the calling program exits, the module stops the local
instance of Apache and deletes the temporary directory.
Each test consists of literal strings or regular
expressions that are either required to exist or forbidden
to exist in the fetched page. You can also specify tests
for the minimum and maximum number of bytes in the
returned page. If you are testing a local file, the
module checks the error log in the temporary directory
before and after the file is fetched from Apache. If
messages are written to the error log during the fetch,
the module flags this as an error and writes the messages
to the output test report.
for modules a description in module list format (DSLI entry, which is:
Development stage, Support level, Language used, Interface style (see the
modulelist - ARRGH! - this is a dead link - please fix), and a 44 character
Development stage: Beta
Support level: ???
Interface style: ???
44 char description: Runs tests on remote URLs or local web source files.
for scripts, ports, documentation, etc. please send a concise description
that helps us to categorize the issue so we can forward your mail to the
maintainers of the corresponding archive branch.
See description above.
It would be very nice, if you could also send a note about where you have
discussed some or all parts of your contribution publicly, and if there was
at least a little bit of interest. We are quite open for submissions, but we
owe our users at least some rudimentary quality control. If your work has
never been discussed publicly, then it's extremely difficult for us to make
our judgment whether to accept the submission or not.
This module has been in use for a few months at one of my clients, an
Internet 100 company. I have a test suite of some 30 tests that I use for
regression testing, and feedback from the user community has resulted in
some improvements to the code.
Perl/Java/SQL/Unix software engineering Seattle, WA, USA