
I am requesting to be registered as a PAUSE
contributor.  My information is as follows:

        name ->         Robert Lehr
        email ->        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        homepage ->     none
        CPAN ID ? ->    BOZZIO

I want to contribute Yet Another template module,
mostly because many colleagues have requested that I
make it available to them.  We thought it would be
helpful to make it widely available for additional

  Name:         Text::FastTemplate
  DSLI:         bdpO
  44-chars:     Compiles line-oriented templates as Perl

It is only useful in Perl programs that use the same
template several times during the lifetime of its
execution such as Apache/mod_perl (surprise!) or a

Why another template module?  I can describe it best
by explaining why it was ever written, ANOTHER
template module.  We didn't want to write another
template module.  We set our criteria and looked for a
module that would work for our project.  We tried a
couple of the popular modules but abandoned them. 

  HTML::Template ?
    pros:  simple syntax, complete isolation of HTML
from perl code
    cons:  memory leak, slow

  HTML::Mason ?
   pros: nice component structure, fast
   cons: too easy to mix perl and HTML, too complex
for lame HTML coder

  Template ?
    pros:  could make our own template syntax
    cons:  too much overhead, too complex, meant too

In the end, we wanted a template that was simple, fast
and completely separated the text template from the
perl code.  We got it by using:
  + C-preprocessor line-oriented syntax (SIMPLICITY)
  + converting templates to perl code and compiling
and caching it (SPEED)

Our design gave us two additional benefits that we
hadn't planned:
  + component type flexibility of Mason
  + general text-template capability, not restricted

Robert Lehr

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