your name       Adam Stubbs
your email address      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your homepage
your preferred user-ID  ASTUBBS

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
File::Searcher  bdpO    Search filetree do search/replace regexes       ASTUBBS
File::Searcher::Interactive     bdpO    Interactive search do search/replace 
regexes ASTUBBS

File::Searcher - Searches for files and performs search/replacements on 
matching files
File::Searcher::Interactive Searches for files and performs 
search/replacements on matching files, uses terminal to make the searches 

The above are tested and almost to R stage (names not set in stone, will 
confirm with PAUSE users before submitting). I have a dozen or so sys admin 
friends using them and suggested I go the distance to submit to CPAN, so I 
will do so.

Also have completed modules that need to be CPAN readied, as well as more 
in the hopper with some other developers.


Adam Stubbs 

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