your name
James E Jurach Jr.
your email address
your homepage if you have one
your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters
long, all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed.
a description of what you're planning to contribute
1) FCGI-ProcManager - A process manager that is implemented in perl rather
than in mod_fastcgi.c. Among other things, this will allow developers of
FCGI to gain on the load-before-fork optimization enjoyed by mod_perl
2) Stress - A stress-testing framework. It was originally developed to
log in and walk a path through a web application, but it is extensible
enough to walk through any set of perl methods/subroutines. It contains
logic to manage multiple children performing those tests, and to
calculate and display benchmarks from those concurrent processes.
3) PSP - 4 packages:
a) PSP (base) - a servlet-like, object oriented CGI framework that provides
a URI-to-object-method mapping mechanism.
b) PSP-Field - an abstraction of an HTML display/input field which handles
formatting and verification for various data-types and HTML elements.
c) PSP-Tools - a set of classes which provide useful functionality to this
d) PSP-Parser - a ASP/JSP-like, embedded-html-to-class compiler which
subclasses classes of PSP-Tools and PSP (base).
for modules a description in module list format (DSLI entry, which is:
Development stage, Support level, Language used, Interface style
(see the modulelist), and a 44 character description).
::ProcManager bdpO A FastCGI process manager implemented in perl
Stress bdpO base class for a system stressing framework
::Web bdpO Stress subclass for convenient access to LWP
::FormParser bdpO HTML::Parser subclass to get data from a form
(I don't have time right now to fill in all of these descriptions below. I am
mostly concerned with releasing the two packages above, especially the first.)
::Compiler bmpO
::Conf bmpO
::Driver bmpO
::Error bmpO
::FieldSpace bmpO
::Generic bmpO
::Loader bmpO
::Log bmpO
::Parser bmpO
::Pile bmpO
::ProcManager bmpO
::Session bmpO
::SideMenu bmpO
::Utils bmpO
::share bmpO
::parent bmpO
::Field bmpO
::Group bmpO
::Root bmpO
::Verify bmpO
::Ephemeral bmpO
::Group bmpO
::Propagation bmpO
::Control bmpO
::FieldSpace bmpO
::Group bmpO
::PreScan bmpO
::Error bmpO
::Form bmpO
::Message bmpO
::Table bmpO
AtomicData bmpO
Field bmpO
::AnyThing bmpO
::Email bmpO
::PAN bmpO
::Time bmpO
::USPhone bmpO
::Boolean bmpO
::H24Time bmpO
::RTNumber bmpO
::Types bmpO
::USZip bmpO
::Date bmpO
::Integer bmpO
::TaxID bmpO
::URL bmpO
::Y4Date bmpO
::Decimal bmpO
::List bmpO
::Text bmpO
::USCurrency bmpO
::CheckBox bmpO
::Password bmpO
::RadioGroup bmpO
::Text bmpO
::Utils bmpO
::CheckBoxGroup bmpO
::PossibleSets bmpO
::Select bmpO
::TextArea bmpO
::File bmpO
::Radio bmpO
::Submit bmpO
::Types bmpO
for scripts, ports, documentation, etc. please send a concise description
that helps us to categorize the issue so we can forward your mail to
the maintainers of the corresponding archive branch.
stress - stress tester (installed by Stress)
piler - compiler for PSP (installed by PSP-Parser)
piledriver.cgi - CGI script which provides hooks into PSP (found in PSP)
piledriver.fcg - FastCGI variant which provides hooks into PSP (found in PSP)
testpile - a command-line tester for piledriver.cgi
It would be very nice, if you could also send a note about where you have
discussed some or all parts of your contribution publicly, and if
there was at least a little bit of interest. We are quite open for
submissions, but we owe our users at least some rudimentary quality
control. If your work has never been discussed publicly, then it's
extremely difficult for us to make our judgement whether to accept the
submission or not.
FCGI-ProcManager - I have briefly discussed this with Sven Verdoolaege
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (author of FCGI) and Rob Saccoccio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. I
have not been able to share it until yesterday when I finally got approval
to release it. I am looking for a means of distributing it to a larger
group of developers, and to get people interested in it.
Stress - I have discussed it with people I work with. It has some
interesting, convenient features for its purpose: to evaluate how much
stress a system can take and how that system performs under stress.
It is a little awkward right now, but versatile, and I think people will
find it useful in a number of different situations.
PSP - At my company, we have been developing and using this system for the
past several years. PSP has just recently been re-written from the ground
up, but this later version is currently not in production use yet. It is my
hope/intention that other developers will find this technology interesting
and even possibly familiar, and will help develop this web application
framework. I consider this work in alpha because of how scrambled the
documentation is right now, but it does work, and has been somewhat
extensively tested. This project was just released by my company's legal
department last night. If this project is not ready for CPAN yet, it
will be soon.