
User id on CPAN: ALIAN
DSLI: bmpo


Filesys::SmbClientParser - Perl client to reach Samba ressources


  use Filesys::SmbClientParser;
  my $smb = new Filesys::SmbClientParser;

  # Set parameters for connect

  # List host available on this network machine
  my @l = $smb->GetHosts;
  foreach (@l) {print $_->{name},"\t",$_->{comment},"\n";}

  # List share disk available
  my @l = $smb->GetShr;
  foreach (@l) {print $_->{name},"\n";}
  # Choose a shared disk
  # List content
  my @l = $smb->dir;
  foreach (@l) {print $_->{name},"\n";}

  # Send a Winpopup message
  $smb->sendWinpopupMessage('jupiter',"Hello world !");

  # File manipulation

  # Archive method


SmbClientParser work with output of bin smbclient, so it doesn't work
on win platform. (but query of win platform work of course)

A best method is work with a samba shared librarie and xs language, 
but on Nov.2000 (Samba version prior to 2.0.8) there is no public 
interface and shared library defined in Samba projet.

Request has been submit and accepted on Samba-technical mailing list, 
so a new module with name SmbClient will be done as soon as the public 
interface has been known. (2nd week of december)

For Samba client prior to 2.0.8, use this module !

SmbClientParser is adapted from SMB.pm make by Remco van Mook 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on smb2www project.


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