The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure DSLI: RdpO description: Calculates the transitive closure userid: ABIGAIL (Abigail) chapterid: 6 (Data_Type_Utilities) enteredby: ANDK (Andreas J. König) enteredon: Sun Nov 19 15:16:21 2000 GMT The resulting entry will be: Algorithm::Graphs:: ::TransitiveClosureRdpO Calculates the transitive closure ABIGAIL ANDK comments: And oh so many moons later the modulelist was finally able to accept algotransitmicloselong module names... and there was much rejoicing. -- Please allow a few days until the entry will appear in the published module list. Parts of the data listed above can be edited interactively on the PAUSE. See Thanks for registering, The Pause Team