On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 10:38:09AM -0800, Jeff Zucker wrote:
> The namespace would look like this:
>    DBD/AnyData.pm                   DBI access to in-memory & file-based
> data
>    AnyData.pm                       access & convert many data formats
>    AnyData/Parser/CSV.pm            parser for CSV (comma separated
> values)
>    AnyData/Parser/XML.pm            parser for XML data & files
>    AnyData/Parser/Ini.pm            parser for Ini style config data &
> files
>    AnyData/Parser/FixedWidth.pm     parser for fixed-width records
>    AnyData/Parser/*.pm              parsers for other data formats
>    AnyData/Storage/RAM.pm           storage manager for in-memory tables
>    AnyData/Storage/File.pm          storage manager for file-based
> tables
>    AnyData/Storage/Tie.pm           storage manager for tied structures
>    AnyData/Storage/*.pm             other types of storage managers

The name 'Parser' is a little ambiguous.

Is it a custom SQL parser or, as implied above, parsing the contents
of the data file. If the latter then how does it relate to the Storage


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