>>>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 14:01:26 -0400, David J Kernen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  > Mail::IMAPClient v1.19 has just been uploaded to PAUSE. I went to
  > the "Edit Module Metadata" page on PAUSE, though, and I see that
  > this module is not listed. (That same page says I should write to
  > this address, so here I am!)

  > This module has been on CPAN for over a year now; could I have
  > overlooked something when I registered it? Yes, I checked the
  > Modules page on CPAN and followed the instructions some time ago.
  > (A year ago maybe?) I know people are using my module because I
  > get feedback every day.

  > Thanks for your assistance,

It's always a good idea to remind us of registrations that were
forgotten and I've now registered the module. In your case it's
obvious why you got lost: the registration list saw Graham's question


but no answer so far. Maybe you answered in PM or something.


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