>>>>> On 22 Oct 2000 13:01:51 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Johan Vromans) said:

     > "Kurt D. Starsinic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I agree that a module would be both feasible and useful.

     > <complaint>
     > However, it seems that getting a module registered is almost
     > impossible. I've been asking for registration of a particular module
     > for several months now, and I either get no answer at all, or a reply
     > from some of the modules moderators saying that it would be a good
     > idea -- and then nothing happens.
     > </complaint>

Yupp, I know, something's happening again these days... but:

"About PAUSE" also known as CPAN/modules/04pause.html says:

  <p>And please do consult these archive before you post a module proposal.
  The fulltext search capabilities of the archive should help you to
  find similar suggestions and contact addresses. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
  low volume, so your search in the archive is quite targetted. The
  module list maintainers themselves are mostly lurkers. You need not
  wait for a response. Generally a lack of response can be taken as
  acceptance of the module name being proposed. Note by KS: If you want
  a quick response, be sure to ask if anybody actually reads the list.
  This is guaranteed to produce at least ten responses in rapid
  suggestion (none of which will respond to your proposal).</p>


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