there's a new field in module list database
>>>>> On Sun, 22 Oct 2000 18:12:53 +0200, "Perl Authors Upload Server"
> Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
> modid: [MIME::ParserBase]
> statd: [?]
> stats: [d]
> statl: [p]
> stati: [O]
> description: [REMOVED: folded into MIME::Parser]
> userid: [ERYQ]
> chapterid: [15]
> mlstatus: [hide] was [list]
The field is described in the form for editing module metadata as:
Select one of <i>list</i>, <i>hide</i>, or <i>delete</i>, normal case
is of course <i>list</i>. Select <i>delete</i> only if the module
definitely has gone for some time. If the module has no public
relevance and is not needed in the module list or if it is abandoned
but might have a revival some day, maybe by being claimed by another
author, please keep it for a while as <i>hide</i>. <b>Feature is
alpha: if you select <i>hide</i> or <i>delete</i>, things will not
yet work as expected; please report bugs to modules\
Should explain everything, but if questions remain open, please tell