I would like to contribute a module to CPAN.  Here's my info according to 

your name: Adekunle Olonoh

your email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your preferred user-ID on CPAN: ADEO

a description of what you're planning to contribute
        name: Data::Random
        DSLI: adpf
        Description: Generate random sets of data

The module came from a need to generate random data to use in testing 
programs I've written, especially those that store info in a database.  I 
would rather have data that more closely resembles what it would look like 
in a real environment, rather than duplicating one record thousands of 
times throughout the database.  Here are some examples:

     # Generate a random set of alphanumeric characters between 5 and 8 in 
     @chars = Data::Random::chars( charset => 'alphanumeric', min => 5, max 
=> 8 );

     # Generate a random set of 10 words taken from a word list
     @words = Data::Random::words( wordlist => '/usr/dict/words', size => 10 );

     # Generate a random set of 5 elements taken from a pre-defined set
     @set = Data::Random::set( set => \@set, size => 5 );

     # Fetch a single element randomly from a pre-defined set
     $element = Data::Random::enum( set => \@set );

     # Generate a random date somewhere in between 1978-9-21 and the 
current date
     $date = Data::Random::date( min => '1978-9-21', max => 'now' );

     # Generate a random image between 100 and 200 pixels in width and 200 
and 400 pixels in height
     $image = Data::Random::image( minwidth => 100, maxwidth => 200, 
minheight => 200, maxheight => 400 );

I'm also open to suggestions on the name of the module.  I know that 
Data::* can easily become a catch-all for modules, but I can't really think 
of any better ideas.

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