A couple of months ago (July 27th to be precise) I wrote to this list asking for some advice on getting a new Sub:: namespace created to store my Sub::Approx module (which allows you to call subroutines by approximate names). I didn't get a response to this mail and in the meantime I have given a couple of talks on Sub::Approx (most noteably at YAPC::Europe). These talks have always led to much discussion of the concept. The module is on CPAN in my user directory and search.cpan.org knows about it, but because it's not in the module list it can't be found via the by-module links. I'd therefore be grateful if someone could let me know what I need to do in order to: a) get the Sub:: namespace created for Sub::Approx to live in, and b) get Sub::Approx added to the Module List. The DSLI entry should be as follows: Name: Sub::Approx DSLI: Rdpf Desc: Call functions using approximate names Info: DAVECROSS Many thanks, Dave... -- <http://www.dave.org.uk> "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one", he said. But still they come.