I have sent the request for one and half weeks, but still not any
response yet.
Sorry for sending it once again, I'm looking forward to getting your
response soon.
I'm going to upload a module Jvm, which allow Perl invoke Java API, so
I'm applying a userID.
I attached the document of my package at the end for your reference.
I have a Java project for our company, but I like Perl very much, I
to try to find a way to call Java in Perl, I did find out there is a
module "Java"
in CPAN, however that module launch Java server localhost and have Perl
talk with that Java server via some protocol instead of JNI.
The performance is poor, I don't like it. Then later, I happen to know
PHP has a java module, then I asked myself why not write such module for
Perl myself?
Then I began to work on it. Almost at the end of the project, I read a
news from
mailinglist that there is already a module "JPL" has been available for
perl and
Java communication for more than 2 years. I downloaded it and
gave it a try. I understand that JPL's idea is very cool, however it
seems too complex.
Mine is much simple and more practice for some people.
So I still want to upload to CPAN, so that people want to call Java API
inside perl
has an alternative way to do that.
Below is my personal information:
Name: Ye, Wei
HomePage: undef
Perferred UID: YEWEI
Description of what I'm planning to contribute: Jvm, a module which can
invoke Java VM API.
Development Stage: a/b (Alpha/Beta)
Support Level: d (Developer)
Language: c(C and Perl)
Interface: O(Object oriented)
Thanks for your help!
Jvm - Perl extension for Java VM invocation
use Jvm;
# Initialize the JVM
new Jvm();
#invoke static method of Java class
# Thread.sleep(1000);
Jvm::call("java.lang.Thread", "sleep", "(J)V", 1000);
#Java instance manipulate
# Integer obj = new Integer(99);
# String s = i.toString();
$obj = new Jvm("java.lang.Integer", "(I)V", 99);
$s = $obj->toString("()Ljava/lang/String;");
#get/set static member
# System.out.println("Hello world!");
$out = Jvm::getProperty("java.lang.System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
$out->println("(Ljava/lang/String;)V", "Hello world!");
This package allow you to invoke Java API in Perl. You can invoke
standard Java classes as well as your own Java program.
Java Signature
You have to specify Java method signature when call Java API. This is
because a java class may have more than 1 methods which has the same
method name, e.g.
public class Foo {
public static void test(int i) {}
public static void test(byte b) {}
You have to use method signature to specify which method you are going
to call. Here is a sample to invoke them respectively:
Jvm::call("Foo","test","(I)V", 1234567); Jvm::call("Foo","test","(B)V",
Java Signature rule is simple, you can get it at
Or, you can use 'javap' tool comes with JDK to print out all the
signatures in your class: usage is 'javap -s Your_java_class'. Here is
an example:
[root@ywlap Jvm]# javap -s Foo
Compiled from
public class Foo extends java.lang.Object {
public static void test(int);
/* (I)V */
public static void test(byte);
/* (B)V */
public Foo();
/* ()V */
[root@ywlap Jvm]#
Function List
new Jvm();
Initialize JVM.
$obj = new Jvm($class, $constructorMethodSig, @args);
create a Java object, whose class name is $class, constructor has
$constructorMethodSig signature, and @args are arguments for
constructor. Then later you can invoke method XXX of this instance:
$result = $obj->XXX($methodSignature, @args);
$ret = call($class, $method, $methodSignature, @args);
Invoke static method $method which has the signature
$methodSignature of class $class.
$ver = getVersion();
return current JVM version.
$value = getProperty($class, $member, $memberSignature);
return value of static member $member of class $class.
setProperty($class, $member, $memberSignature, $value);
set static member of class $class to $value.
This function invokes "System.out.println($obj)" to dump the java
object $obj.
Java JNI Specification
JPL JPL is a very complex language, it allows you to invoke Java in
Perl as well as embed Perl in java. It's bundled with Perl5.6, and
you can get it at: