Well, the new author is me, Jesse Vincent. The module is SearchBuilder.
I've been hacking on a DBIx:: module as part of a trouble ticketing
system called RT that I'm the primary author of. A number of folks have told me
that it would make a good CPAN contribution, so here I am. SearchBuilder
has been discussed in its former life as DBIx::EasySearch on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SearchBuilder is a pure-perl abstarction layer on top of DBI which allows
programers to build complex select statements with multiple calls to
a couple fairly simple primitives.  This ends up being particularly useful
for "refining" existing searches.  It also comes with a class called 
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Row which allows simple OO access to the data from
a single database row.  SearchBuilder returns its results as a set of 

Name: Jesse Vincent
Preferred CPAN Id: JESSE
Homepage: http://www.fsck.com/

SearchBuilder bdpO  OO abstraction for compound searches  JESSE


        Jesse Vincent
jesse reed vincent --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
Pelcgb-serrqbz abj!

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