Hi there.

I've a module I think would be usefully distributed on CPAN,
and would like to register myself as an author for PAUSE.

I supply details below as requested to do on 

Name: Lee Goddard
web: http://www.leegoddard.com

I wish to contribute a fully OO, fully documented (POD and Word97)
 module for parsing DATR standard files in DATR XML.  DATR is a 
lexical/lexicon description language developed some years ago at the 
University of Sussex in the UK, and is used extensively around the 
world. Further details are at http://www.datr.org/

The module was commissioned as part of a Master of Science
degree in Intelligent Systems at the University of Sussex,
supervised by Dr Gerald Gazdar, co-author of DATR. It is
the only such module in existence, and would be better
made available to DATR users through CPAN than my homepage!

The DATR XML project also includes a DATR XML DTD and
various XSLT stylesheets.

DSLI info (hope I've got this correct: checked 
http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local/modules/00modlist.long.html#Part1-Modules:C )

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
DATR2XML       bdpO  Converts DATR to XML; DATR OO manipulation   leego

If I've missed/mistaken something, please do let me know!

Many thanks,

Lee Goddard  <l.goddard@sussex>
Research Centre for Cognitive Science, 
University of Sussex, Brighton UK

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