Based on feedback from modules from William R. Ward, I'd like to modufy my registration
request as follows:

Name                 DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------        ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
Unix::Sysadmin       ampO  OO framework for Unix system administration  HOWEN
       ::Automount   ampO  Automount info entity class                  HOWEN
       ::Group       ampO  Group info entity class                      HOWEN
       ::Host        ampO  Host info entity base class                  HOWEN
         ::FreeBSD   ampO  FreeBSD derived Host class                   HOWEN
         ::Linux     ampO  Linux derived Host class                     HOWEN
         ::SunOS     ampO  SunOS derived Host class                     HOWEN
       ::Netgroup    ampO  Netgroup support class                       HOWEN
       ::User        ampO  User info entity class                       HOWEN
       ::List        ampO  Abstract list class                          HOWEN
         ::Automount ampO  Automount map class                          HOWEN
         ::Group     ampO  Group list class                             HOWEN
         ::Host      ampO  Host list class                              HOWEN
         ::Netgroup  ampO  Netgroup list class                          HOWEN
         ::User      ampO  User list class                              HOWEN
      ::Cmds         ampO  Unix commands base class                     HOWEN
         ::FreeBSD   ampO  FreeBSD specific commands class              HOWEN
         ::Linux     ampO  Linux specific commands class                HOWEN
         ::SunOS     ampO  SunOS specific commands class                HOWEN
      ::Files        ampO  Unix file path base class                    HOWEN
         ::FreeBSD   ampO  FreeBSD specific file paths class            HOWEN
         ::Linux     ampO  Linux specific file paths class              HOWEN
         ::SunOS     ampO  SunOS specific file paths class              HOWEN
      ::Config       ampO  Framework wide configuration class           HOWEN
      ::Utility      ampO  Framework wide utility class                 HOWEN

Howard Owen  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  +1-831-477-1123
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

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