PAUSE says: Sorry, there are no modules registered belonging to JPIERCE. Please note, only modules that are already registered in the module list can be edited here. If you believe, this is a bug, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yet Data::Javascript::LiteObject is surely mine... Also, I'd like to announce I just uploaded English::Reference. This was inspired by talks about perl6 and ideas of Jeff Pinyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Casey R. Tweten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> It allows you to do wacky things like: $purple = \"I like purple"; print SCALAR $purple; PS> an alias of [EMAIL PROTECTED] might be nice, I always try to send stuff there... -- * __ * . \ | / . . . . . ((_ _____ . . . -- / \ -- . . . + . . _/\ oooooooooo. | * . . . * / ;M\_ . .oooooooooooo.oo. . . . . /\ . / :IMM\ ..oooooooooooo..oo. Jerrad Pierce /\ / \ / ;IIWMM ..oooooooooo....... 209 North Street + / \ / \ . / ;IIIIWM ...ooooooooo....... Randolph, MA 02368 / \ \ ___/ :;IIIIIWM / \ \ / :: ;;IIIMI / \ \ : :::;IIIM ..ooooooo.... __________________________ || || ::.....:::::: MOTD on Setting Orange, the 11st of Bureaucracy, in the YOLD 3166: This statement is false.