I hereby apply for a developer registration.

NAME:   Anders Sonderberg Mortensen


URL:    http://www.indexdata.dk


PLAN:   The company I represent is developing open source implementations of 
the Z3950 protocol. This is a client/server based protocol maintained by
the Library of Congress intended mostly for exchange of bibliographic
Until now, the server specific issues have been developed in terms of the
YAZ toolkit based on C. However, our company has repeatedly received
recommendations of developing a Perl API for this YAZ toolkit.
Therefore, we have just programmed and released an alpha test version of
this new Perl wrapper. And it seems to be a success. Our customers and
cooperators are very happy with this new easy approach to the Z3950
After a concluded test phase, we like to publish the Perl YAZ API on
CPAN. Therefore, we wish to reserve the name space Z3950:: for this

Many thanx in advance!


        Anders Sønderberg Mortensen


Anders Sønderberg Mortensen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            http://www.indexdata.dk
Index Data     Ph.: +45 3341 0105     Fax: +45 3341 0101

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