
  I've developed a module of routines that I find useful when working
with CGI.pm and SQL databases through DBI.pm, and I'm interested in
sharing the work with others in whatever ways might be appropriate.
  Code and documentation are available here for review:

  Currently it facilities easily inserting and updating from the CGI.pm
param system, building a form selection widget from the database, and
building a SQL search over multiple fields based on a keyword form

  I posted an initial version on perlmonks.org, which returned almost no
feedback, and also on the dbi-users mailing list, which also had very
little feedback. I attempted to post the announcement in the
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi newsgroup but had difficulty doing
so. Granted, both posts have been up for just a few days so far, but
frequently the net responds quickly. 

  Here are my questions for you: I'm interested in possibly having this
on CPAN, but only it's appropriate. Do you have suggestions on other
places I could post the code, or how I could present it better, to get
more feedback? 

  Also, I'm interested in using an appropriate namespace whether it ends
up on CPAN or not. As far as I can tell there is not another module that
is trying to the same thing. Do you have recommendations for ones might
integrate with? If you think this is a good standalone module, do think
CGI::SQL.pm is appropriate and do you have other suggestions?

  I hope that's not too many questions! I appreciate you help. 

personal website             }      Summersault Website Development
http://mark.stosberg.com/    {      http://www.summersault.com/

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