... for the apparent drought of PAUSE module list maintainers. Hi guys, I did a little research and noticed that, in addition to the fact that the "ModuleList" hasn't been updated in ~7 weeks ( http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2000-08/msg00078.html ), there also hasn't been a new module announced on this forum since July 16, except for one module Net::Ldap by Graham Barr ( http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2000-08/msg00022.html ). Since July 16th was the beginning of the Perl Conference, its understandable that most everyone was probably heavily involved in that. And I also assume that the discussions surrounding Perl 6 might be distracting to some. But in the meantime, the CPAN suffers. I'm writing this, not to complain, but to offer my assistance. I would be more than willing to be a PAUSE volunteer. I also am quite involved in the Seattle Perl Usere's Group (SPUG). We are having a meeting tommorrow night. I would be happy to solicit a couple more volunteers from the group. I'm sure you agree that it's nice to have someone take up the slack when you get busy. If this appeals to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. The sooner, the better. Yours, Brian Ingerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]