
I have prepared a SpinBox module which I think would be a useful
tool for people using perl/tk.  

Here is the relevant information:

         Name: Geoff Russell
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Home Page: No I don't have a home page
       userid: gjrussell

      SpinBox: data entry field for numbers, dates, money, time with
               arrows for spinning numbers up or down  
               This widget simplifies data entry form layout 
               where you have a bunch of fields to be
               lined up on a screen form.

                           Name:  _____
                       Address1:  ______________
                       Address2:  _______________
                         Suburb:  ___________

         Development Stage: b
            Support Level : d
                 Language : p
                 Interface: O
               Description: Data Entry widget for numbers, dates, times
         Development Stage: b
            Support Level : d
                 Language : p
                 Interface: O
               Description: Set up column of labelled data entry widgets

The SpinBox module has quite a lot of function but doesn't take up
as much screen real estate as some date widgets I've seen.  

Geoff Russell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Fifth Ave           +618-8332-5069 (Home)          |
St Morris SA 5068     +618-8207-2029 (Work)          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Adelaide, AUSTRALIA   +618-8364-1543 (Fax-Home)      |

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