This is a petition for registration as a module contributor, unless it turns out (oops!) the module has already been done... -name: Phill Wolf -email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -url: (nothing there) -preferred cpan uid: PBWOLF -contribution: a module whereby Perl scripts on Windows can use Active Accessibility (to manipulate and query GUI components) -interest shown yet: none (The August DC Perlmongers meeting got rained out) Name DSLI Description Info ------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- Win32:: ::OleAcc cd+O Active Accessibility client The proposed module name comes from 'oleacc.h', which defines the functions. Related CPAN modules: -Win32::OLE. If you could get an Active Accessibility interface into Win32::OLE, it would probably work, since IAccessible is dual. But it would be an inefficient way to deal with Active Accessibility, since you typically place at least the same 3 or 4 calls on every Active Accessibility object. And you need access to a few Win32 Active Accessibility functions besides the ones available through IAccessible. -Win32::GuiTest. GuiTest users might also use OleAcc, or vice versa. The sweeping package name "GuiTest" threatens an eggplant effect. GUI testing is a *large* discipline and GuiTest is wading just off the beach, but near a sharp dropoff into much deeper water. I think it wise to put OleAcc, which is well-defined, cohesive and uncoupled, into a separate package. I like it when packages are named for what they do, rather than what you might use them for. Thanks for your time, -Phill