Jerrad Pierce
A lightweight module for dumping specific forms of data, as opposed to
Data::JavaScript's generic all purpose heavier abilities.
It has been uploaded to
If it must be merged into say, Data::JavaScript, so be it.
However, that kind of defeats the purpose. It is meant to be lightweight.
It's a 6k module; half is documentation; that works fine and provides
several options. Whereas D::JS with it's is well on it's way to 30k.
Additionally the output differs greatly it's compactness...
I have nothing against renaming it, if necessary, but this seemed the
best choice, and has no conflicts.
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..oooooooooooo..oo. Jerrad Pierce /\ / \ / ;IIWMM
..oooooooooo....... 209 North Street + / \ / \ . / ;IIIIWM
...ooooooooo....... Randolph, MA 02368 / \ \ ___/ :;IIIIIWM / \ \ / :: ;;IIIMI / \ \ : :::;IIIM
..ooooooo.... __________________________ || || ::.....::::::
MOTD on Pungenday, the 72nd of Confusion, in the YOLD 3166:
This statement is false.