I have an object oriented framework for Unix system administration implemented as a set of Perl modules. Currently these live under a SYSADM:: namespace. I've been working on these for several months and I have reached the point where I'm ready to set up an open source project and invite others to pick over my design and my code. Before I do this however, I'd like to get an idea of where best to hang these modules in the CPAN namespace. My current hierarchy looks like this: SYSADM:: Cmds:: FreeBSD Linux SunOS Config Files:: FreeBSD Linux SunOS Hinf:: FreeBSD Linux SunOS List:: Hinf Uinf Uinf Utility I basically represent hosts and users in their respective classes and use ssh to do interesting things to them. As I said, this is a framework for Unix system administration, though I'd like to be able to add support for Be, VMS or *ahem* whatever. I'd therefore like to add an abstraction layer for OS/Platform, but I'm uncertain as to where. I lean toward, for example, SYSADM::Files::Unix::FreeBSD rather than SYSADM::Unix::Files::FreeBSD. I'm also unsure if SYSADM:: is the right top-level. Any suggestions or advice would be very welcome. I can post pod and/or source if required. -- Howard Owen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - +1-831-477-1123 "Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."