I'm finishing up a module which I intend to submit to CPAN. The module provides a nice OO interface to outputing files in the .dot format required by GraphViz. What's GraphViz? A graph visualisation library: see www.graphviz.org Name DSLI Description Info ------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- GraphViz adpO Interface to Graphviz graphing tool LBROCARD I'm not sure about the name, though. Should it be toplevel (GraphViz), under the graph heirachy (Graph::GraphViz or Graph::Viz). I wouldn't put it under Chart:: 'cause at the moment it doesn't output an image, simply text. Any ideas on the name? Cheers! Leon -- Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/ yapc::Europe - September 22-24 London - http://yapc.org/Europe/ ... Error 404: .signature generator ran out of tuits