Hello, The modlist says, "Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] before you upload, so we can help you select a name." So... I have a set of modules for grabbing bug-related data out of a Bugzilla database (see <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/bugzilla/>) and reporting on them. The modules do not provide 'update' abilities -- just reporting -- and the package includes one script (with more possibly to come) to send out reports (through CGI, cron | /bin/mail, etc.). The functionality is not provided by Bugzilla and may be considered an extension to that package. The purpose is mostly to help development teams track progress in closing bugs over time (in other words, are we creating more bugs than we close?). I've been calling the package (and the main module) Bugzilla::Reports. I imagine one of these categories might be appropriate: 3) Development Support 7) Database Interfaces 23) Miscellaneous Modules What do you think? Thanks, and hi to Andreas if he's still around. -Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Give your computer something to dream about. (tm) Popular Power - www.popularpower.com