I have a module which I've written which allows you to call subroutines with names which only approximately match their real names. I realise that this is a completely stupid think to do but I wrote it as a demonstration of using typeglobs and AUTOLOAD. Currently I've been calling it Sub::Approx, but having uploaded it to PAUSE I realise that this will require the creation of a new namespace on CPAN as the Sub:: space doesn't already exist. Can someone please either a) tell me how I'd go about getting the namespace created or b) suggest a better name for the module. Many thanks, Dave... -- <http://www.dave.org.uk> European Perl Conference (Sept 22/24, ICA, London) <http://yapc.org/Europe/> "Keats and Yeats are on your side, but you lose, 'cos Wilde is on mine."