Context Note: I am releasing a succession of around 15 Perl 5 object
modules. Six of these are complete and documented, and will be
submitted quickly. The others are working but not fully documented,
so I am holding them back for the moment. All of these modules, with
info on how they can be used together (and working examples), are
available at They have temporary names
in the DDuncan::* name space. They all require 5.004 for
consistency, although some can do with less.
Here is #1:
Name DSLI Description Info
------------------ ----
---------------------------------------------- -------
Data::HashOfArrays bdpO data (text,bin) store/parse/url-encode,
subset DUNCAND
I strongly request suggestions of alternate names for this module, as
there are doubtless some of you who have better ideas on what it
should be called. Likewise, suggestions for a better brief
description for use in the module list.
For a description, I have provided part of this module's POD at the
end of this letter. The rest of the POD is on my site.
Let it be known that at least 5 of my other modules use this one.
Good days,
// Darren Duncan
=head1 NAME
DDuncan::HashOfArrays - Perl module that implements a hash whose keys can have
either one or several associated values.
I<Please note that the path name of this module is temporary, something that
works until a more appropriate and integrated name can be found. A possibility
could be "Hash::MultiValued">
=head2 Perl Version
=head2 Standard Modules
=item I<none>
=head2 Nonstandard Modules
=item I<none>
use DDuncan::HashOfArrays 1.05;
my $case_insensitive = 1;
my $complementry_set = 1;
my $params = DDuncan::HashOfArrays->new( $case_insensitive,
$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} || $ENV{'COOKIE'}, '; ', '&' );
my $query_string = '';
if( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ /^(GET|HEAD)$/ ) {
$query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
} else {
read( STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} );
$params->from_url_encoded_string( $query_string );
foreach my $key ($params->keys()) {
my @values = $params->fetch( $key );
print "Field '$key' contains: '".join( "','", @values )."'\n";
open( KEVOEL, "+<guestbook.txt" ) or die "can't open file: $!\n";
flock( KEVOEL, 2 );
local $/ = undef;
seek( KEVOEL, 0, 2 );
print KEVOEL "\n=\n".$params->to_url_encoded_string( "\n" );
local $\ = undef;
seek( KEVOEL, 0, 0 );
my $all_records_str = <KEVOEL>;
flock( KEVOEL, 8 );
close( KEVOEL );
@record_str_list = split( /\n*=?\n/, $records );
@record_list = map {
DDuncan::HashOfArrays->new( $case_insensitive, $_, "\n" )
} @record_str_list;
foreach my $record (@record_list) {
print "\nSubmitted by:".$params->fetch_value( 'name' )."\n";
print "\nTracking cookie:".$params->fetch_value(
'track' )."\n";
my %Qs_and_As = $params->fetch_all( ['name',
'track'], $complementary_set );
foreach my $key (keys %Qs_and_As) {
my @values = @{$Qs_and_As{$key}};
print "Question: '$key'\n";
print "Answers: '".join( "','", @values )."'\n";
This Perl 5 object class implements a simple data structure that is
similar to a
hash except that each key can have several values instead of just
one. There are
many places that such a structure is useful, such as database records whose
fields may be multi-valued, or when parsing results of an html form
that contains
several fields with the same name. This class can export a wide variety of
key/value subsets of its data when only some keys are needed. In
addition, this
class can parse and create url-encoded strings, such as with http
query or cookie
strings, or for encoding binary information in a text file.
While you could do tasks similar to this class by making your own
hash with array
refs for values, you will need to repeat some messy-looking code everywhere you
need to use that data, creating a lot of redundant access or parsing code and
increasing the risk of introducing errors.