On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 05:34:29PM -0700, Jacob Davies wrote:
> Apache::AuthCookieDBI is a module that subclasses Apache::AuthCookie and is
> designed to be directly used for authentication in a mod_perl server.
> It is a ticket-issuing system that looks up username/passwords in a DBI
> database using generic SQL and issues MD5-checksummed tickets valid for
> a configurable time period.  Incoming requests with tickets are
> checksummed and expire-time checked.
> I would like to add the ability to use Basic Auth-like authentication cookies
> (with the username/password in plaintext in the cookie itself), but I consider
> the ticket-issuing capability more useful, and the ticket issuing part
> is complete.
> It is currently in production use at http://www.snapple.com/ and
> seems to work pretty well.
> If nobody objects to the name, I'll be uploading it to PAUSE soon.

    It sounds like an incredibly useful module.  Thanks for

* Kurt Starsinic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ---------- Senior Network Engineer *
|    `Using encryption on the Internet is the equivalent of arranging an    |
|     armored car to deliver credit-card information from someone living    |
|     in a cardboard box to someone living on a park bench.'                |
|                              - Gene Spafford                              |

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