> Therefore, being OO and using overloaded operators *DOES* make a
> difference to some people, first because most of the Date modules
> existing so far are functional

All of them, I think?

> and second, because there are so
> many different Date modules right now that creating a new one
> which does everything the other modules do but provides a more
> consistent interface *DOES* seem like a Good Idea.

Exactly, that's one of my thoughts.  I was a bit amuzed of how
difficult it was to navigate at CPAN to find the right module for doing my
tasks.  I'd like to have a "one-place-shopping" for date handling, storing
and manipulations, that's one of the purposes with my wrapper class.

I'd like to store dates, completely without knowing what
methods/operations I might need to do with them, and then later apply
whatever method is appropriate.

Secondly, beeing just a wrapper class, it doesn't do anything other than
beeing a wrapper class.  So Object seems like a fine name to me.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are
 cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
- Bertrand Russell

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