> > Usually what I see is more brief...list both names in the authorship
> > section, and then break the dates out in the copyright (what you have is >
> fine, though, I don't think there are official rules). Like this:
> > Anthony Peacock, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Stacy Lacy (original author)
> > Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Anthony Peacock, CHIME.
> > Copyright (c) 1997 Stacy Lacy
> > This library is free software...
> In the usual case you have the author's explicit consent, but even
> with Stacy's cited posting we do not have explicit consent here. So
> I'd say caution is called for. There's an long standing tradition of
> (unjustified) offended authors:-(
> Anyway, Stacy's posting convinced me that I should not wait until
> Saturday and I changed authorship now.
> As I've never heard about official rules for that case, we have to
> invent our own. I'd suggest Matt's proposal looks perfect except for
> that it's hiding the story. If you added a HISTORY section in which
> you offered a single sentence, something like you "forged" the project
> (or whatever is the appropriate term) because the original author
> could not be reached, that would be ideal (IMHO!). The art here is to
> make enough words and not too many words at the same time.
Thanks for this advice. I have adopted Matt's layout for the Authors and
Copyright sections, and have written a brief HISTORY section to try to
explain the situation. I am not convinced about the wording and will probably
tweak it a little later, but it will do for now. (It also ended up being a little
more than a single sentance :-))
I should be able to upload my revised package later on today.
> > It's nice to see an orphaned piece of code find a home!
> Very true! Thanks Anthony!
No problem. It completely solves my problems, so in most respects it is a
very selfish move :-)
Anthony Peacock
CHIME, Royal Free & University College Medical School
WWW: http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/~rmhiajp/
"If you needed a personal life, we would have issued you with one."
"Some days it is just not worth gnawing through the restraints."