Name: Kurt Kincaid
Preferred User-ID: SIFUKURT
Primarily I am writing
security/encryption/steganography modules, all of
which are platform independent and require no
compiling and rely upon no external programs or
modules. I am also working on a series of file
utility modules and a series of game modules.
The four modules that I currently have ready for
distribution are as follows:
Crypt::Beowulf (Rdpf)
An original, very fast encryption algorithm.
Crypt::Solitaire (Rdpf)
A simple encryption system, written by Bruce Schneier
(and based upon original perl code written by Ian
Goldberg) that is based upon a deck of cards.
Crypt::RC4 (Rdpf)
A perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm.
Crypt::OTP (Rdpf)
An implementation of the One Time Pad encryption
All but the Crypt::OTP module have been listed with for some time, and have been reasonably
popular, in terms of the number of downloads. To
date, I have not received any feedback or comments
from users.
I believe I've covered all of the things listed on the
PAUSE page, but if I have forgotten anything or you
require additional information on anything, please let
me know.
Thank you for your time.
Kurt Kincaid
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