>>>>> On Mon, 03 Jul 2000 16:14:47 +0200, Christophe Dehaudt 

 > - contribution planning:
 >     1) I already get a module that allows to Debug And Trace some perl
 >     code with 'programming by contract' principles. I plan to name it:
 >     'Devel::Datum'. DLSI mail will follow.

Could you add a few words for the archiving gremlins why you believe
Devel::Datum is a good name and how it relates to what the module
does? Thanks!

 >     2) I plan to release a module to ease the writing of CGI script with
 >      multiple screens.

Could you add a few words for the archiving critters how the module is
positioned in comparison to other solutions to the same problem?

Thanks for your interest, Christophe,

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