On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 08:26:01AM -0500, Autarch wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Graham Barr wrote:
> > That is an understatement, but all the people involved have different
> > ideas/needs etc..
> Maybe we need a discussion forum for this work. I favor a
> subscriber-post-only mailing list myself and I think it would be fairly
> low traffic. Basically, just invite whoever's written exception code,
> either as a base CPAN module (you, me, Pete Seibel?, Matt Sargent, that
> guy who uploaded something called Exception.pm, Pete Jordan who's
> working on this for the core).
If you are to discuss anything it should be open. Why have subscriber-post-only ?
> > I have no problem with renaming Error and using some standard base classes.
> > But if it is to be renamed I feel it should stay at the top level. ie If it's
> > classes are Exception::* then the try/catch etc. should be in Exception.pm,
> > or atleast avaliable via
> >
> > use Exception qw(try catch);
> I strongly disagree. As try/catch is not built into Perl
Yet. Last year there was the intent to have it so that it would look like
it was built in. Pushing the API levels down does not give that impression.
> I really don't
> feel that it should be considered the core of any exception model that
> gets built. But that's why we need a discussion forum. There are people
> who are interested in these things but we don't really talk to each other.
While I welcome discussion, I would just like to restate that there has been a *lot*
of discussion on this in the past. But there are too many people who are passionate
about the exception handling in some other language and want perl to mimic it.
The result is that you never get a concensus, at least we never have in the
> > PS: For those who were there and remember, last year's p5p meeting at the conf.
> > I was (assigned ?) the task of getting error/exception objects into the perl
> > core. Part of this was to define a base class structure etc..
> See my above mention of a mailing list. I know Pete Jordan is working on
> this (making it available from XS and such) so it would be nice if the
> 10-20 people who've gotten seriously interested in this could talk about
> it.