On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 12:55:51PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> >>>>> On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:38:57 +1000, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > I'm currently doing most of the development of
> > Geert Josten and Egon Willighagen's XML-XSLT
> > module (under PAUSE id 'JOSTEN') and will be
> > handling module builds from the Sourceforge
> > repository where it's currently stored.
> > (discussed on xml-xslt list)
> If you will upload these under your name, please let me know which
> namespaces are affected, so I can adjust permissions.
It will be XML::XSLT - current version is 0.21 on PAUSE,
latest "release" from Sourceforge is 0.22.
> > Other modules I'm interested in include:
> > Net::VNC - interface to VNC remote frame buffer
> > protocol from ORL. (status: drawingboard)
> > (not discussed publically yet)
> OK
Guess I should tar up what I have and stick it under 0.01 or
something - it's little more than negotiation at this stage.
> > XML::XPath - may be trying to merge with XML::XSLT
> > in the future. (status: owned MSERGEANT)
> > (discussed on xml-xslt list)
> XML namespace is so big that we leave the coordination to the
> appropriate XML mailing lists. Cf.
> http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/XML/perl-xml-modules.html
I'll check myself into that tomorrow when I'm back at work.
> > Linux::IPChains - a hack I put together at college
> > to handle IPChains updates from multiple
> > authentication mechanisms with automatic
> > perl-user byte-counts and locking.
> Please check
> IPChains RdcO Create and Manipulate ipchains JESSICAQ
> IPChains::
> ::PortFW bdpO Interface to ipmasqadm portfw command FRAJULAC
Yeah, I should check how they're going. I tossed that in as
the only other thing I have that's project-worthy. Last time
I looked that was just a direct replacement for the command
line tool, while mine provided locking and user control too.
Then again, mine is full of yucky "magic" stuff for the
network I wrote it on.
Thanks for your prompt response!