> The reason is here:
> % tar xvzf ~ftp/pub/CPAN/authors/id/S/SB/SBECK/DateManip-5.38.tar.gz
> DateManip-5.38/
> DateManip-5.38/.#Manip.pm
> [...]
> % ls -la DateManip-5.38/
> total 412
> drwxr-xr-x 3 k k 4096 May 23 17:26 ./
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 k k 38 Jun 21 21:42 .#Manip.pm ->
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:950277877
> [...]
> This symlink caused an error on open() that was not anticipated by the
> job and it died miserably. I've now made the cronjob more forgiving in
> such a case and rescheduled the indexer on it. Will be fixed within an
> hour.
I didn't even know those were there. Obviously I mistyped a command at
some point, because I never intended for those links to be there.
I think I'll upload a new version of 5.38 without them... but thanks
for tracking this down.
--------------------------| Sullivan Beck |---------------------------
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Senior System Programmer
http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~sbeck | University of Florida
PH : (352) 392-1057 | CISE Department
Fax: (352) 392-1220 | CSE 314E