>>>>> On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 12:51:09 +0100 (BST), Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Of course you can overload simple exception to your heart's content. The
> most important thing it does is makes sure that $@->isa() works by
> overloading CORE::die, and dying with a SimpleException::Uncaught
> exception (which overloads "" so that "$@" works). This sort of simple
> base class is vital in things like mod_perl where you can have many
> applications that use blessed exceptions but you want 1 place where
> CORE::die is overloaded providing access to isa() without having first to
> check for ref($@).
There is no need to check for ref($@) first, UNIVERSAL::isa($@,"..."),
works always.
> Of course CORE::die should be overloaded in core perl, as has been
> discussed on p5p endlessly with no results yet...
No, please let us not start another discussion on that, this isn't the
right place anyway.
> And I also know of
> several other efforts for exception handling, but they all try and do a
> lot, whereas I'm trying to do a little and let the programmer do whatever
> he wants on top of that.
> Thoughts?
Maybe call it Exception::Simple, then we can recommend future
implementors of Exception modules to collect their alternatives in the
Exception:: namespace.