>>>>> On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 16:51:38 +0000, "James P. Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 > I have a module that I would like to put on CPAN :
 >   Grib.pm allows the user to read files in the WMO grib FORM FM 92-IX
 > Ext. GRIB
 >   http://www.wmo.ch/web/www/reports/Guide-binary-2.html

 > Grib is a lossy compressed data format often used for the storage and
 > transfer of atmospheric data.
 > I have been building the module locally as PDL:IO::Grib  although
 > currently it does not write grib (reads only).
 > Does anyone have any objection to my putting this on CPAN?  or to this
 > particular name?

Not at all. I'd suggest though that you ask the same question to the
PDL mailing list because only there you could find people that have
objections if such exist.


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