is a Perl5 module to interface MacPerl and the 
Macintosh serial ports using the Serial Driver. This library uses a 
simple object-oriented programming style to provide a set of tools to 
control the serial ports of the Macintosh and communicate through 

This library defines Mac::Serial objects, entities which contain the 
values for serial port configuration parameters. Using a Mac::Serial 
object's methods ports can be opened and closed and data can be sent 
out of those ports or received through them. In addition, various 
configuration settings are under program control including data 
transmission protocols (baud rate, data size, etc.), hardware and 
software flow control methods, and the size of the buffer allocated 
to the input driver.

Best regards,
Joseph A. DiVerdi, Ph.D., M.B.A.
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             970.221.3982 (voice)
<>                 970.224.3723 (fax)
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