Hello there overseas. I'd like to become a CPAN contributor. Name: Andreas Spindler Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: www.prismtk.de User-ID: ASPINDLER Contribution: text2texi.pl, a script that converts plain text to GNU texinfo. I use it to write the technical documentation for ccref (a C++ compiler I developed) and a few other tools. text2texi really does a good job, especially when hacking the documentation in Emacs outline mode. The documentation can be processed further to HTML using texi2html. Sample HTML: http://www.prismtk.de/docs/scripts/download/perl/text2texi/text2texi-sample.html Original text: http://www.prismtk.de/docs/scripts/download/perl/text2texi/text2texi-sample.txt The Script: http://www.prismtk.de/docs/scripts/download/perl/text2texi/text2texi.pl Maybe you're interested.