Hello. I'd like to register for a CPAN user-ID. Here's the info:

Name:           Joshua Keroes
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Preferred ID:   JOSH-UA
Contribution:   Net::Telnet::Cisco
Description:    bdpO Net::Telnet wrapper for Cisco devices.
Discussion:     #perl, pdx.pm


Net::Telnet::Cisco offers a few improvements over Net::Telnet for router
communication. It starts off with a proper prompt regex for one. heh.

It parses router error messages properly, and stores them in obj->errmsg(),
which allows the user to set up error-handling routines using $obj->errmode().
This is worth the price of admission alone. :-)

There are a few other tricks that Net::Telnet::Cisco does, but the
error-handling is the most worthwhile IMHO.

Let me know if you need more info,

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