name : Robert Antczak email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] preferred user-ID on CPAN. : RANTCZAK module description : Perl interface to GoldMine for Windows contact manager a proposed DSLI entry: GoldMine::GMAPI cdhO Wraps the GoldMine API (mswindows) in a Perl object. (GoldMine::GMAPI is merely a proposed name, I would appreciate any suggestions/guidance in choosing a better namespace. ) discussion: I have discussed this (verbally) with several goldmine users and they look forward to the release of this module. notes: This interface grew out of the need to integrate the GoldMine contact manager to various external systems (AMS Sagitta, DBMS data, etc.). A number of GoldMine users have expressed a desire to access the GoldMine API through an open, shareable scripting environment. A number of commercial (and expensive) products are available, but the GoldMine API is available to anyone willing to code in either Delphi, VB or C. A Perl wrapper extends the accessibility to the data management functions of GoldMine to an even wider audience. GoldMine is a registered trademark of GoldMine Software Corporation, of course. The API is accessible from the GoldMine DLL (GM4S32.DLL) and, according to GoldMine Software, the dll doesn't require any special licensing. Module Description: This module implements the GoldMine Win32 API methods found in GM4S32.DLL. The API calls provided ensure the consistent handling of GoldMine contact data. See GoldMine's documentation regarding the cons of direct database update versus using DDE Macros or the GM4S32 API. The primary value of using the API functions is that they insure the update of the sync logs, allowing your data changes to propagate to remote GoldMine users. They also simplify the assignment of valid accountno and recid codes (GoldMine's foreign and primary keys). In addition to having the BDE (Borland Data Engine) and GM4S32.DLL installed (if you have GoldMine, you have this stuff), this module requires Aldo Calpini's [EMAIL PROTECTED] Win32::API Module. This module is essentially written and is now being tested by a GoldMine user.