I'm looking for comments on:
- package name
- weather or not this looks like a good idea, or a bad idea
- any other comments or information that this list might have.
If anyone is interested, the package (tar.gz) is available here:
README for Exception 1.00
This module is an attempt at a standardized methodology
for exception handling for Perl. One of the issues
I've had to deal with when advocating Perl is it's lack of,
or strange looking exception handling mechanisim. The
lack of exception objects was a recent thorn. This module
attempts to provide a nice looking, feature rich exception
use Exception qw(try catch throw);
try { throw(new Exception('Error.')); };
if(catch(qw(Exception e))) {
print 'Caught: ',$e->as_string(),"\n";
elsif(catch()) {
print 'Caught Unknown: ',$@,"\n";
Thank you for your time.
Kyle R. Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference between
a mermaid and a seal.
-- Mark Twain
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.voicenet.com/~mortis