Dear CPAN-Avatars,

I would like to register as an author:

Robert Barta

I'm planning to contribute:

- Topic Maps: A suite of modules dealing with ISO/IEC FCD 13250:1999 
     Topic Maps. These are basically an 'open model for representing
     completely structure-less information'. 

     More background:

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
???TM???       Sdcf  Topic Maps, Information Engineering          DRRHO

- MQL: Music Query Language, a set of modules helping to access a
     syndicated music database. This ranges from discographic information
     about album/song releases to 'emotioneered' data, i.e. subjective
     assessment of music, popularity of albums. This is addressing
     developers of user frontends (MP3 players, playlist generators, ...).

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
?Music::MQL    Sdcf  Music Query Language, syndicate              DRRHO
?Net::MQL      Sdcf  Music Query Language, protocol               DRRHO

A discussion about the placement into the namespace will follow. There
was no previous (public) discussion about the modules yet.



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