name: Robert Hanson
homepage: none
preferred user-ID: RHANSON

description of what you're planning to contribute:

XML::RAX - A module based on Sean McGrath's RAX proposal

DSLI entry: adpO
44 character description: Record-oriented API for XML

It would be very nice, if you could also send a note...

The idea came from the the RAX article by Sean McGrath which was posted on Friday (4/29).  I had never heard of RAX before, so I sent a mail to
Sean asking where to find the RAX spec and mentioned my interest in creating
a Perl module for it.  He replied urging me to write the module, and
mentioned that there is no official spec of RAX.  If RAX takes off, he plans
on writing up an official spec and hosting a web site for it.

It has only been 36 hours since the article came out on, so I doubt
there has been much discussion about the usefulness of RAX.  By the time you
get this, I should have already sent out a mail to ActiveState's XML-Perl
list and XML-DEV announcing this module.


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